Saturday, September 22, 2012

As the band plays:

“When the Roll is Called Up Yonder,” by James M. Black, is being played in town somewhere. From the sound of the band, it must be a funeral.  Reminding me that someday we will be with Jesus, either in death or after being snatched up (so simple but so easily lost in the ruckus of life).

If not moved already, doubling moving, I am listening to, “Live Dead” by Dick Brogden on the internet.  He is compelling his listeners to share Christ, share the Gospel, with those who have never heard.  Some of the children here at the orphanage are from the mountains...I asked them if they had ever heard about Jesus before they came to Casa.  “No, no,” they say, “we didn’t know about Jesus before here.”  They tell me that there was a church there, but they were never told about Jesus. 
Music floats to me from the cemetery, “Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care,” and Dick Brogden is asking me from the internet, “Are you living dead?  Are you taking His message to the unreached?” die to our small live dead in His great Plan-life to the full! To die to that others can hear their name when the roll is called up yonder. 

~Dear Jesus, please more of Your Spirit in our lives so that we can be true followers and right representations of You here. 

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